The Top 10  Most Difficult Countries for Identity Verification

The Top 10  Most Difficult Countries for Identity Verification

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    Shufti GDPR Compliance Guide

    Bringing you up-to-date information about GDPR compliance, necessary for businesses wishing to operate in the European Union.

    We have made every effort to provide a detailed overview of GDPR compliance and how Shufti supports your business to operate within the confines of this regulation, especially when it comes to customer data and its verification through Shufti. However, it is still advised to engage the services of legal counsel to have a better understanding of GDPR compliance and the liabilities that come along with it. The following compliance guide details the practices, procedures, and upgrades introduced in the internal workings of Shufti to make its services GDPR-compliant.

    The guideline for GDPR compliance is here, and Shufti has ensured that its services remain fully compliant with the EU’s User Data and Protection guidelines. We have adopted an industry-prevalent approach known as Data Process Control to better protect the interests of not only our clients but their customers as well.

    Note: As a data processor, Shufti operates under the instructions of the data controller. Therefore, all requests from data subjects regarding their rights under GDPR should be directed to the data controller, who has the authority to manage such requests. In certain scenarios, Shufti may also act as a data controller, as described below.

    Summary of GDPR sections applicable to customers and users of Shufti services


    GDPR requires websites and online businesses to inform users that they are using cookies. The language of this notification should be easily understandable for an average user. Consent is required from users before they are tracked by cookies. We have updated our cookies policy in this regard as well.

    Streamline AML case management

    Lawful basis

    GDPR only allows the collection of user data for a legal reason. Shufti collects data solely for verification purposes, as per the legal agreement signed by Shufti and its customers. This data is limited to verifying credentials, identity, or any other related verification required by our customers as per the legal agreement.

    We have added a consent button in the form where a customer is supposed to fill in their identification details. We also provide the option for customers to review our data protection, privacy policy, and Terms & Conditions to ensure full transparency.

    Ensure regulatory compliance


    GDPR requires businesses and websites to forget and delete user data when requested by the user. However, as Shufti acts as a data processor, all such requests must be made directly to the data controller, who will handle these requests according to GDPR guidelines.

    Shufti GDPR compliance process

    Scenarios where Shufti acts as a data processor

    As a data processor, Shufti processes personal data on behalf of its clients, who are the data controllers. In this role, Shufti follows the instructions of the data controller and does not make decisions regarding the processing of personal data.

    Example of Data Subject Interaction with Shufti as a Processor

    01A client integrates Shufti with their online business/portal/app.

    02The data subject (e.g., Daniel from France) is redirected to a landing page where Shufti verification is carried out.

    03Daniel enters relevant credentials (DOB, Full Name, Address).

    04Daniel displays his verification document (ID, Driver License, Passport) to the web camera.

    05The AI technology compares the information filled in the form to that present on the document.

    06Based on the results of the verification (Verified or Not-Verified), the user is redirected back to the online business.

    All the above steps involve gathering user data from the data subject on behalf of the controller, which is then processed by Shufti as the processor. Under GDPR guidelines, Shufti only acts on instructions from the data controller regarding the processing and handling of this data.

    User data handling

    Shufti processes user data on industry-secured servers located in the EEA zone. The storage and handling of data are subject to GDPR requirements, and Shufti’s responsibilities vary depending on whether it is acting as a processor or a controller.

    Automated decision-making

    Shufti uses personal data for automated decision-making solely for verifying identity and document authenticity. The process involves checking the information provided by the data subject against identity documents and determining verification outcomes. When Shufti acts as a processor, all automated decision-making is carried out under the instruction of the data controller. When acting as a controller, Shufti determines the decision-making processes independently.

    Data access and user rights requests as a processor

    As a data processor, Shufti does not independently handle requests from data subjects regarding their personal data. Any request from a data subject regarding their personal data, including but not limited to access, rectification or deletion should be made directly to the data controller. The controller will then instruct Shufti, as the processor, on how to proceed with the request in accordance with GDPR.

    Scenarios where Shufti acts as a data controller

    In certain situations, Shufti may act as a data controller. This occurs when Shufti determines the purposes and means of processing personal data independently, rather than on behalf of another entity.

    Example of Shufti as a Controller

    When Shufti collects personal data directly from individuals for any lawful purpose, it acts as a data controller because it independently determines the objectives and methods of processing.

    Handling Data Access and User Rights Requests as a Controller

    As a data controller, Shufti is directly responsible for handling requests from data subjects regarding their personal data. Data subjects can contact Shufti directly at [email protected] for access, correction, deletion, or other actions concerning their data. Shufti will respond to these requests in compliance with GDPR requirements.

    Data subject rights

    Access Rights

    Under GDPR, data subjects have the right to access their personal data. When Shufti acts as a data processor, these requests should be directed to the data controller. Shufti will provide complete assistance to the data controller, who will then instruct Shufti on how to handle the request. In situations where Shufti acts as a data controller, it is directly responsible for responding to data subject requests for access to their data. Shufti will process these requests promptly and in accordance with GDPR regulations.

    Deletion Rights

    Data subjects have the right to request the deletion of their personal data. As a data processor, Shufti will handle deletion requests based on instructions from the data controller. When Shufti is the data controller, it will directly process requests for data deletion, ensuring they are fulfilled in compliance with GDPR.
    In many cases, the right to deletion is not absolute, and can depend on the context of the request, so it does not always apply.

    Modification Rights

    Data subjects also have the right to ask for modifications or corrections to their personal data. As a processor, Shufti will follow the data controller’s instructions on making any necessary changes. If acting as a controller, Shufti will manage such requests directly and ensure any required modifications are made promptly in line with GDPR standards.
    Shufti is committed to upholding the rights of data subjects and maintaining GDPR compliance in all of its operations, whether acting as a data processor or a data controller.

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