Access Verification Details
Shufti Pro back-office has an option to access verification details independent of the customers. This
tab displays data for all verifications. This verification data can be sorted by specifying certain
criteria. For this purpose, follow the steps given below:
- Log-in to Shufti Pro back-office using back-office credentials (Email and Password)
- Click on the “Reports” tab
The user can specify some parameters of a verification for the purpose of classification and ease of
access. The parameters include:
- Reference Number
- Services
- Name
- Business Name
- Address
- Country
- Time
- Type
- Status
The feature for “Advanced Search” is also available in case the user wants to specify certain
characteristics of the verifications and sort them accordingly.
Advanced Search Parameters:
- Reference ID
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Full Name
- Phone Number
- Country
- Date of Birth
- Full Address
- Status
- Services
- Request Type
- Manually Changed Status
- Document Details
- Document Number
- Issue Date
- Expiry Date
- Document Type
Moreover, the icon next to “Advance Search” allows the user to set the time frame for verifications.
Upon clicking the “Advance Search” icon, the user is given a number of options for classifying the
verifications according to one’s needs.
After setting these parameters, click on the “Details” option next to the verification, under the
“Details” tab.
Note: All these filters can be applied simultaneously and can also be paired with the time frame filter.
Download Verification Details
Shufti Pro back-office has an option to access verification details independent of the customers. This
tab displays data for all verifications.
This verification data can be sorted and downloaded by following the given steps:
- Log-in to Shufti Pro back-office using back-office credentials (Email and Password)
- Click on the “Verifications” tab
The user can specify some parameters of a verification for the purpose of classification and ease of
access. These parameters include;
- Reference
- Services
- Company Name
- Company Registration Number
- Name on Document
- Name On Address Document
- Background Checks Name
- Address
- Country
- Time
- Status
- Status Detail
- Last Verification Status Changed By
- Document Number
- Selected Type
- Declined Codes
- Nationality
- Face Match Score
After sorting the verifications that the user wants to download. Click on any of the two icons present
in the top right corner for options to download in, XLSX or CSV.
Click on “XLSX” or “CSV” to download verification details.
Note: The download file contains data of only selective verifications according to the applied filters for sorting.
Delete Verification Data
Shufti Pro back-office has an option to access verification details independent of the customers. This
tab displays data for all verifications. This verification data can be sorted and downloaded by
following the given steps:
- Log-in to Shufti Pro back-office using back-office credentials (Email and Password)
- Click on the “Verifications” tab
After opening the “Verifications” tab, the user can check boxes on the left hand side to select
verifications that need to be deleted.
Click on the “Delete” button on the right-hand side to delete the verification data.
This will delete the data for all verifications selected earlier.
Delete Multiple Verifications
Shufti Pro back-office has an option to delete multiple verifications in one single attempt. By following the steps mentioned below, the user can delete the desired verifications from the reports tab:
- Log-in to Shufti Pro back-office using back-office credentials (Email and Password)
- Click on the “reports” tab
After opening the “reports” tab, the user can check boxes on the left hand side to select verifications that need to be deleted.
Click on the “Delete” icon on the left-hand side to delete the verifications.
This will delete the data for all verifications selected earlier.
Change Verification Status
Shufti Pro back-office has an option to access verification details independent of the customers. This
tab displays data for all verifications.
This verification data can be sorted and downloaded by following the given steps:
- Log-in to Shufti Pro back-office using back-office credentials (Email and Password)
- Click on the “Verifications” tab
Open the “Details” tab against the verification for which you want to change the status. Clicking on
the “Details” button will open a window with verification details.
- Click on “Details”
- In verification details, scroll down to the “Services” tab
On the right corner, click on the “Change Status” button to change the verification status. Upon
clicking this button, a dialog box will appear. The content of this dialog box depends on the services used.
- Click on “Change Status”
The user can select the desired status of each check, click on “Update” to manually change the status.
- Select the desired status for each verification step (“Verify” or “Declined”) and click on “Update”.
Selecting the update status button will change the status of the verification. The user can change the
status multiple times following the same procedure.
Note: Updating the status of a verification from “Declined” to “Accepted” does not imply that Shufti Pro has verified the uploaded document and vice versa.